Friday, February 19, 2010

New Life

For 20 years, since leaving home I have been in the Health Service, first as a student nurse, then staff nurse, student midwife, midwife for 6 years, then a very short break, branched out into survey nursing, still working for a non- profit organisation, then back to nursing, in primary care for the last 6-7 years. My last post as advanced nurse practitioner was the most challenging, being autonomous in my practice, after qualifying for my non- medical prescribers certificate and also embarking on a MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice. I did not complete the masters, but learnt a lot from it and it enhanced my skills immensely.

Less than a year later, I find myself as a housewife! I feel those skills slipping from my fingers.....

I have channeled my energies into other things though, mainly looking after the kids, Dave and the house, and now the pets too, hehehehe

In years gone by, I have always enjoyed cooking and having people round for dinner, but since working more and having children, that all fell by the wayside, cooking became more a chore than a source of enjoyment.

I feel now like I have come full circle, am cooking more traditional Chinese foods and also the usual staples I know the children will eat! We have had several dinner parties and the neighbours have been able to sample the delicacies I churn out in my kitchen..... Having a lovely kitchen to work in help sooo much, LOL.

I am baking again, making bread, cakes and cookies, much to the kids delight. Am also experimenting with the local veg and cooking the callalloo and making pastelles.... It's all good, hope I don't get too fat!


  1. Wow! Yong tau fu! I am impressed.
    ko ko

  2. yup, can you believe it? the bitter gourd was grown at the back yard of Dave's head office... free food!
