Sunday, February 14, 2010

Letting go

I admit it, I bear grudges, I know I shouldn't, and should let things go, resolve and move on.... I try but sometimes fail. why do I let people upset me so? OK. I will let go, it is a waste of my time which should be spent on making myself happy, finding that inner peace. Therein lies the contradiction, how to find inner peace when there are issues unresolved??? Ones concerned have resolved them and moved on, I should be more thick skinned and move on too. If people are worthy of my time and love, it should be given unconditionally. Does unconditional love exist? I need closure on this, what a cliche, huh? That is what I need in this issue and then I can move on, because that will be the best for me, and never to let it resurface to damage the relationship again... be more thick skinned, give less, build some defences and do not allow myself to be hurt again....I am worthy, a good, kind and loving person, beautiful inside and will not let anybody tell me otherwise....


  1. Hey friend how r u? nice to meet u, u hv a nice blog here,thk for sharing 6-^

  2. thanks Yoga Tramp, nice of you to find time to read and comment. Peace be with you
